Now that you have determined that something from the other side is present in a house, maybe yours – Do you want to know why? Why is that a particular home or place is haunted? What could be the reason behind the hauntings? In this excerpt, we will look at the cause of hauntings and why paranormal activity happens.
Major Cause of Hauntings
Well, there are many reasons a house can become haunted. Sometimes, it’s only because of the location. Perhaps you live next to a funeral parlour or cemetery. If so, you definitely could be getting a lot of transient ghosts. Meaning, as the soul leaves the body, they sometimes wander around trying to get their bearings.
Mainly if their passing was sudden or unexpected, sometimes too, a soul chooses to stay around for a while. This is also a cause of hauntings. Thus, if your house is near their departure site or a cemetery, they will make their way to you at some point in time. If this is the case, usually they’ll just pass through. But, there are numerous other reasons that a soul may set up residence in your house. Want to know why? Let’s have a look!
Did You Invite Them?
Let’s start with the obvious first cause of hauntings, that being, you invited them. I know you’re saying, “No. I never did that!” But think hard. Have you or haven’t you? I have experienced things happening in the homes that I have lived in for many reasons. Since I was a child, I always had this acute sixth sense present in me. And it was comparatively easy for me to see and listen to these spirits. The volatile environment in my house complimented it. Ever since then, they haven’t left me. And wherever I go, I know I am not alone! Having said that, let’s address each of them separately:
Do you use Ouija boards? – Cause of Hauntings
In all the fancy ghost movies, you always see an ouija board and some kids messing with it. Oftentimes, it has led to disastrous consequences. Do you know why? Let’s understand what are ouija boards first. Ouija Boards are merely a piece of wood or laminate with a little planchette attached. So they, in and of themselves, are harmless, right? I mean, they even sell them in the toy department, so they can’t be too dangerous, right? In truth, what makes an Ouija Board dangerous is the “reason” people buy them. Let’s face it, there’s only ONE reason you’re using an Ouija board, and that reason is to connect with someone no longer in this world… a ghost, a spirit, or some sort of guide.
The problem is that most people don’t protect their Ouija board any more than they defend themselves before sending out this otherworldly invitation. This becomes a cause of hauntings and paranormal activity. Personally, if I were to use an Ouija, I’d likely pray over the board heavily, suggesting that only things of the White Light be allowed to commune through it. Instead, though, most rip open the box, light a few candles, and hope more than anything that the darn planchette moves and gives them some positive, uplifting message.
Thus, no matter what your intent is when you open up casually to contact those who are departed, it’s a mistake. Especially when you are using zero protection for yourself or the board, it’s like leaving your front door open with all your best goodies fully on display, just hoping the “right” people are attracted in.
Does your home have a negative environment resonating a lot of negative energy?
Ghosts are attracted to negative energy. It’s mainly because it’s far denser than positive energy. For them to manifest and be seen or heard, they need energy; the more, the better. Unfortunately, negative energy gives them the meat they need to make material things happen, precisely because it’s denser.
Therefore, if there’s chaos, arguments, turmoil, and a more-than-the-average amount of drama in your house, realize that the ghosts and entities see this as an energy-feeding hub. They’re also drawn in not only because of the amount and type of the energy but because the mainly negative entities and grumpy ghosts prefer negative and hostile energy environments.
It seems not only does it supply the gas to their fire, but it is also their desired meal. Think about it, negatives like negative things. They like to create chaos, havoc, problems, and stress. So if they can find a “home” already full of such things, they can swoop right in, feast, and in doing so, make everything a whole bunch worse.
However, just know that if things start hitting a downward spiral and you can’t seem to get a handle on it, you just might have a very unpleasant ghost or entity taking up residence and compiling their negativity on top of yours; therefore, if you can remember that whenever there’s negativity in your home if there’s a way to keep your sense of humour, sense of proportion, faith, and determination to stay positive, you must do it. To get rid of ghosts, cleanse your home environment first. That makes a huge difference.
Do You Hunt Ghosts, or Are you a paranormal Researcher?
If you are a paranormal researcher or you go ghost hunting, know that some of them have never left your side. Intentionally or unintentionally, you welcomed some of those to your house. Ghost Hunting in and of itself isn’t a bad thing to do. It’s interesting. It gives us proof of life after death. Sometimes we can even help the ghost on its way once we’ve found it; a real win-win. However, too many people pick up a flashlight, maybe a recorder, and take off to the scariest place in town, just praying they’ll find a ghost. If you don’t protect yourself before you begin your hunt and immediately after it, you may have a severe ghost attachment problem. They will often just hitchhike home with you.
They know you’re looking for them, and more than anything, they sometimes just want to be found. So you have the same as welcomed them into your life, albeit quite unintentionally. Even if you use all the precaution and protection methods out there, sometimes when you Ghost Hunt, they still follow you home. There’s simply no avoiding it. It happens to even those of us who are super experienced on occasion.
Therefore, it becomes of the utmost importance to follow the right instruction while hunting ghosts. If you are a novice, I recommend that stop and learn first. Without the proper knowledge, you won’t be able to decipher the right from the wrong, the ghosts from the whiff!
Do you Want to See a Ghost? – Cause of Hauntings
Most people want to see a ghost. Again, to get proof of life after death, or perhaps even get the adrenaline rush of a good scare, or entirely just out of curiosity. I get it. I also completely understand why people go looking for them. The thing is if you want something badly enough; generally, you’ll get it. So again, it’s an invitation given and sent out in the form of energy.
And, what are ghosts? Energy. There is no matter left. Therefore, they eat, breathe, manipulate, and read, hear, smell, and touch energy. Your thoughts are energy. Your words are also energy. Consequently, if you want to see a ghost, chances are super good that you will. Let me insert right now that all spirits are not evil.
So, it’s not always a bad thing to see a ghost. I’ve had hundreds of experiences where seeing a ghost was not even really all that scary. Sometimes, it was just a thing. Sometimes I was even able to help the ghost move on to another place. Then, it’s a great thing. The only real-time it’s terrible is when you’ve got a hold of a bad ghost or, worse, a dark entity, which isn’t as common as most belief. But it happens.
Being a Psychic or Having a Psychic Child is Also a Cause of Hauntings
First, know that when someone is born sensitive or psychic, they just are born that way. They can’t change that any more than you can change the colour of your eyes. Being Psychic is a powerful gift, just as being an artist is. There is no shame in it. So if you are psychic, or your child or other family member is, it just is. My advice is to deal with that the best you can, but never take any of it to heart. Never. The second most challenging thing about being a psychic is that you can’t often find the help and guidance you need to rein in your gifts and protect yourself fully. This sort of leaves you like “that open door” to all in the world of energy, spirit, and ghosts.
Did something harsh happen in your house in the past?
Knowing that every house has a past, just like people do (if not the house, the land), you must realize the energy already stored in your house. Simply understand that all events that have ever happened in a home or on its ground have left an energy imprint. Naturally, the bigger the event and the stronger the emotion involved, the larger the imprint.
For example, have you ever walked into a room and felt the lingering effects of an argument someone else had in the room even though you weren’t a part of it? You can feel in that instant how the energy of the room has been affected, perhaps even contaminated, by the negative feelings. You just automatically feel uncomfortable and may even grow a little tense or on-edge yourself in reaction to it. Conversely, think of visiting a temple. Even when you’re alone in a temple, you wouldn’t feel right shouting out and acting all crazy, simply because the place’s energy is solemn, sacred. The reason is that it’s always been solemn and sacred.
In Conclusion to the Cause of Hauntings
At the very least, now you know it’s not in your head. Now you know how even unintentionally, you might have invited them. It often goes unnoticed how our actions have equal and opposite reactions. But that is the thing about energies. They manifest. And they will manifest whenever they get the opportunity.
My advice to you
Please remember that any physical or emotional discomforts a person experiences can mostly be due to various diseases or emotional conditions he or she is going through. I have seen that majority of cases do not involve paranormal activity of any kind. Paranormal events are extremely rare occurrences. Hence your problems should be first brought to the notice of a qualified medical practitioner. I have often seen that the line between borderline personality disorders or other psychiatric disorders and “spirit possession” is thin. Hence a good paranormal investigator should advise his clients that professional medical care is the first solution or remedy for any physical or emotional discomfort.
Remember, you need to be a sceptic first to develop into a paranormal investigator. You need to rule out every single scientific possibility that is known to mankind to identify anything that is paranormal. Hence travel through the path of modern science, explore and unravel all facts using data and what cannot be explained through science is what we need to explore more through the paranormal arena. Most of your clients may feel desperate due to whatever they are going through. It’s your duty to act responsibly. Guide them through the path of modern science. Refrain from being a doctor or healer. There are qualified medical practitioners out there who can do their job well. Avoid any forms of advice on religious or cultural rituals or for that matter any ritualistic practices.