Let us discuss what is death and how to conquer death according to Hinduism. Death is a change from one body to another. The body perishes, but the soul lives on. Birth follows death like a waking state after sleep. The soul, reborn in a new body, continues from where it left off in the previous birth. We grieve the loss of our dear ones because of attachment and Avidya.
Moha and Maya keep an individual trapped in his bodily sensual pleasures. Man is highly attached to his body and identity within it. With the sense perceptions of smell, taste, sight, hearing and touch, he keeps succumbing to one or the other. His list of desires is never-ending. Man is continuously longing and yearning, which leads to endless suffering. Cravings keep him in a vicious cycle of wants. Little does he realise the futility of these actions.
Man is a victim of his mind and thoughts. His power of discrimination and discernment are blurred by erroneous thinking. Ignorance keeps him in the loop of egotism and falsehood.
There are five ways to emerge from ignorance – What is Death and How to Conquer Death
- Jnana yoga – this yoga student equips himself with knowledge through the study of scriptures and discourses. With the keen intention of seeking emancipation, this student attends satsangs and meditates constantly.
- Bhakti yoga – through devotion, surrender and chanting the name of the lord, this seeker attains god realisation. Every act and breath is surrendered unto the lotus feet of the lord. His motto is to “let thy will be done.”
- Raja yoga –following yamas and niyamas, this student works towards pratyahara or withdrawal of senses. He practices concentration to attain Samadhi ultimately.
- Hatha yoga – student awakens the kundalini Shakti dormant in the mooladhara chakra. He works towards cleansing and reaching the subtle body merging the shiva and Shakti components through the seven energy vortices.
- Karma yoga – through selfless service, this yogi reaches self-realisation.
A man should abide by self-awareness. He should sever the knots of Avidya through Atma Gnana and Atma vichara
Life flows seamlessly towards kaivalyam! What is Death and How to Conquer Death