Now that you have determined that you have a spirit at your home, what do you do? Either you can consult a paranormal investigator or if you wish to help a ghost, there are certain ways. In this excerpt, we will look at how to help a ghost.
How to Help a Ghost?
Whenever a paranormal investigator is helping a client who believes their house is haunted, it’s not just the client that they are helping but also the ghost. At times, the spirits are lost and afraid. Some do not know that they are dead. They are in a place where there is no going back. It is a completely new territory. Therefore, the ghosts need help too. And if they allow me to help, I try my best to help them as well. I go to help one of my clients who believe they have a ghost, I’m also there to help the ghost, provided the ghost wants me to.
So during an investigation, when I come upon a ghost and begin my dialogue with them, I try to find out why they’re there and if there’s anything I can do to help. In other words, I don’t want to leave them stuck unless they want to remain stuck. Sometimes, even a negative entity can hold a spirit or a ghost down. There are ways to overcome that. Therefore, in an investigation, I also determine if there’s a negative spirit holding them.
I would like to put it forth that helping a ghost pass over is not a big task. It is a totally natural and simple process. In fact, what is unnatural is for the soul to remain earthbound as a ghost. So if you want to understand how to help a ghost, keep reading.
Ask For Their Permission
I have already outlined that a paranormal investigator has to be polite. If a ghost does not want to help you, you won’t be able to help. Therefore, it is important to ask for their permission for you to help them. Once you get their permission, which may be an inclination of some sort, you can help them. What I will do next is I visualize the souls who have passed over and are connected to the one who hasn’t. Since I am a psychic, for me they just show up. It does not matter if you see loved ones or not but when you ask for their help, they will surely make their presence known.
Often times I have seen a face. Sometimes I see many faces. Sometimes when I call upon the loved ones of a spirit of a ghost who needs help, I see a pet, a spirit helper, or just a light. Being a psychic means having visions like a long country road, a grove of trees, a riverbank, a wisp of colour, among others. These are not places where I have been but it is somehow related to the ghost that I am trying to help. However again, even if you see nothing and don’t have a single clue of who or what is there to help this ghost, you can just surround them with the white light.
Ask Spirit Guides to Help the Ghost
What I do next is I call upon their loved ones in spirit, along with any angels, guides, and spirit helpers familiar with them. I ask the spirit guides who also walk in the white light to help. It is very important to call upon those with the white light. Since at times, you may invoke a negative entity if you do not do that. A paranormal investigator asks them to come forward and help them make their transition. I believe it is the higher realms of heaven that open up for them. If you have a group with you, you can all stand in a circle, hold hands, and see yourself encouraging and calling in the white light as it fills the inside of the circle you and your friends have created with energy, light, and love.
Then since I have already taken the permission of the ghost, I ask it to enter the centre of our circle. I, then, visualize that the ghost is transcending upwards into the white light. If I am with a group of people, I ask them to hold hands and then we proceed to help the ghost. Is there something specific that I say? Not exactly. It is something on the lines..”I surround everyone here with the white light. I ask that my gatekeeper (primary guide) step forward to oversee this and protect all who are gathered here. Then I ask that anyone familiar with the soul(s) now trapped in this place, who walk in the white light, come forward. Along with any spirit helpers, guides, and angels also of the white light, and help this soul to transcend out of this place and transition into the next”.
How Do You Know That You Were Successful in Helping the Ghost?
Now how do you know that the ghost is gone and you were successful in helping it? Well, if your help worked and they transcended up the white light, you may feel light immediately. As if a big burden was relieved from your shoulders. This is the experience that I had the most. Although the experience may differ for different people. You may smell something altogether pleasant. You may hear bells, chimes, or singing. Your confirmation may range from a small feeling of peace to something quite large. But, you’ll receive confirmation if you remain open to how you receive it. Of course, there won’t be a thank you note that will magically appear out of nowhere and drop at your feet. But you might hear an almost inaudible thank you. Those that love this soul will let you know.
How to Help a Ghost Being Held Down By a Negative Entity?
I have already mentioned that at times, there may be a negative entity holding a ghost down. So, what if a negative or demonic is holding them and you step on their toes? It happens. Usually though, if you have a negative present and you have done nothing but fill the room and space with light, love, and protection, (again, the white light is a powerful tool) the most they do is try to growl or scare you off. If you try to help a ghost who has s negative entity attached, they will never step in the circle you create for them. However, finding an actual demonic that is holding them down is quite unlikely. But again, it can happen. There simply are no hard and fast rules in this paranormal world. So, as a paranormal investigator, you must decide. I leave this entirely up to your discretion.
This is simply what I do, and how I do it. It makes me sleep better at night if I can help both my client and the ghost. Yet, I’ll also add that I’ve encountered clients who were so afraid of their ghosts that they didn’t want me to mess with them. In which case I usually leave things as they are, come home, and then I pray that those in the higher realms handle this softly but swiftly. Usually, I think they do. Additionally, I’ve also encountered ghosts that simply refuse to leave. In fact, ghosts are usually quite upfront with me about this and nearly always directly tell me when they have no intention of leaving. In which case, I’ll usually insist.
What if the Owner Does Not Want to Help the Ghost?
Sometimes, I have come across owners who do not want me to help the spirit. At times, people do get attached to the spirits. Obviously, I understand when it’s the owner of a haunted inn who gets regular bookings because of the hauntings. I realize how bad that would be for their business, and their pocketbooks if the hauntings ceased. When I am in the middle of such a scenario, I usually try to connect with the spirits. If they wish to leave, I do the same thing but at my home.
You may also encounter homeowners who say they’ve become so accustomed to the ghost being around. In addition, it will feel like a loss for them if I help the ghost go away. This is very true for children spirits. In such cases, I have met clients who feel sorry for the ghost and/or have taken on some responsibility for it. So, I usually mention to the clients that maybe I should speak with the ghost and see what the ghosts want to do. I know, sounds strange, but if a ghost is stuck, it deserves the right to move on. So I ask. If the ghost wants to stay and the clients want the ghosts to stay, then so be it.
Therefore, it’s always best to check with the owner of the premises you’re at to help a ghost. It’s been my experience that many clients won’t tell you when they’re really attached to their ghosts upfront. And if you work to scat off a ghost your client is somehow attached to, your client will just call them back sometimes. Often, without even realizing they’re doing it, but just with their thought energy. Obviously, there’s no reason to fight that fight.
Don’t Fool Around – Help a Ghost if You Mean to; Otherwise There Maybe Repercussions
One thing which has often confused and left me scared, to be honest, is that the ghost knows. If you are at a certain place to help a ghost Passover, they will know it. They somehow read it in your energy field. As such, you’ll get more ghostly encounters and reactions if that’s the case, as there’s definitely more in it for them to make their presence known. However, if you’re going to say you’ll do something for them and then you don’t, you will be repaid in ways you don’t even want to know about. Therefore, if you’re not going to go through with it, don’t say you are.
But if you are, offer it up and you’ll get more responses than probably any other paranormal investigator around. However, if you honestly try to help a ghost transition but are unsuccessful for any reason, it won’t be a problem. Since you out up an honest effort, so it’s a no harm no foul situation. I simply know that I’ve never had one go south. It always works. Yet, as I’ve said like a thousand times already, I can’t guarantee anything. Hence, use your own discretion and comfort level to guide you. If you’re a paranormal investigator with less experience, it is better to give yourself a year or so before you approach this.
As I mentioned earlier, when the clients are too afraid for you to mess with the ghost, you can still help. Just wait until you get home and visualize the ghost, the circle, and ask that the white light, along with their guides and loved ones, come in to help them transition. It’s a very neutral way to approach this problem. And it works. After all, praying for someone, or even just asking in sincerity for help for him or her, is energy.
Are There Any After-Effects If you Help a Ghost?
Ghosts are energy. So you’re sending positive and caring energy to them that will do nothing but help them. Although at this point, it is important that you realize that if there is a negative attached to that ghost, the chances of you hearing form that negative later on is not dim. Having said that, if you know how to call upon your spirit guides to protect you, there is nothing to worry about. You just need to know when to ask for help. And you must ask for help if the need arises.
Obviously, they like holding any energy they can for their own use, even if that’s ghost energy. It is what they do after all. Thus, they may haunt you in real life. They may come to you in your dreams… nightmares really. They can do this in any way they can muster up the energy to do it. So again, it’s your call. It happens to me all the time. I have nightmares. But since I’ve been so exposed to the negative, most of the fear of it has sort of worn off. Sure, I’m not going to stand and purposely kick them in the shins. However, I know if need be, my helpers and I can hold our own. Mainly because I know that the white light always beats dark.
Negative entities will always try to test you. They will make it tough. But you don’t have to get scared and disheartened; that is the most important thing. So pick your battles wisely. The only thing I feel I should caution you about on this topic is releasing a good ghost that was holding the negative ghost or entity at bay for the homeowner. Or even, one being held against their own will. Yep, it happens. If the ghost doesn’t tell you about it, you’re not going to know it’s happening until it does.
Ask the Ghost Why Have They Not Left
The last piece of advice that I would like to give is to ask the ghost why they haven’t left. Try to understand the situation. Usually, if a ghost is staying to protect the homeowner, they’ll tell you. Because either they don’t want to leave yet, or they’re afraid to leave. In those situations, if you want to help, you have to dig into the type of negative you’re dealing with. Usually, like nine times out of ten, it’s a negative ghost, which usually will pass too, in the same aforementioned way, should you take his friend away first, and then offer to do the same for them.
Seriously, it’s fear that often keeps a negative ghost hanging around. Erase the fear, take their prisoners (sigh), and they’ll often give up the fight. But when the question of an inhuman entity or a demon arises, I suggest that you keep your hands off of it. It is no joke. And it most certainly is not the task of a year-old paranormal investigator. Do not take that aspect of the paranormal lightly. That is one paranormal thing you do not want to mess with. So let it be and contact a paranormal investigator or someone else who specializes in it.