One of the most highly developed philosophies of the spirit world and its relation to living people comes from Asia. The ancient religion of India, Hinduism, is based on the Vedas. They are holy scriptures, which are the forerunner of modern Hinduism and Buddhism, which millions of people in the world practice to this date. So, what do the Vedas say about evil spirit possession in Hinduism? We also wanted to let you know that there are numerous blogs on this website, on Eastern or Indian views on death and the paranormal. As you are aware by now we are a team of paranormal consultants and investigators in Chennai, India under the leadership of Mr Praveen Saanker.
Spirit Possession in Hinduism
As per the Indian scholars, humans as having at least seven different “bodies” or “vehicles.” Paranormal expert in Chennai, India, say that the lowest of the seven bodies is physical. The rest are nonphysical and invisible to ordinary human sight. These bodies correspond to different planes or levels of reality. Not only that, but each of these seven bodies is very fine – vibrating at a higher frequency that is lower than the ones below it.
So to understand spirit possession in Hinduism, we need to understand about these bodies. Etheric is the body nearest to the physical plane. It is the densest in terms of its vibrations of the invisible bodies. On certain occasions, it can be seen by those with psychic sight who we often refer to as clairvoyants. The shape of etheric is the same as that of the physical body – almost a duplicate. Interpenetrating with the physical body, it controls its health and extends a few inches beyond it.
The next vehicle is the astral or emotional body. This interpenetrates both the physical and etheric bodies. Therefore, it extends several inches beyond them, forming an oval of colored lights. Since it controls the emotional aspects of human beings, it is perceived as constantly changing, resonating to the emotions of the person. The mental body is even finer in its vibrations than the astral. It also interpenetrates the others and contributes to the expanded aura. An even more refined vehicle is the spiritual body. Residing outside of the individual on the spiritual plane is nonetheless part of our being. Esoteric teachings discuss still higher bodies, like the causal (one of the fastest-vibrating spiritual vehicles).
Indian Theory
The Indian theory of spirit possession in Hinduism is based on the writings of ancient scholars. As per the writing, there is an entire world which is the astral plane. It exists between the physical and the highest spiritual worlds. It is not a place, but rather an incalculable number of planes, subplanes, and divisions of subplanes. In addition, these planes and sub-planes rise in a gradually ascending scale, as a result of the increasing frequency of vibratory rate.
Paranormal expert in Chennai, India believe that the lower astral plane is the home of earthbound spirits. In the higher planes of the astral world reside the spiritually evolved entities that are known as guides, masters or teachers. We also call them spirit guides. It is believed that living human beings often “travel” in their astral bodies to the astral plane during sleep, in certain trance states, and deliberately, by willing a part of themselves to leave the physical body. The latter is referred to as “astral projection” or “out-of-body experiences.”
How Does Vedas Describe Death?
To understand spirit possession in Hinduism, we also need to look at how Vedas describes death. Vedas believes that death is sloughing off of the physical body. The individual continues, journeying into higher planes of existence, bringing along memories. After a stay in the astral world, the soul continues to rise to the mental plane, again leaving behind a corpse-the astral shell. Later, the individual goes to a still higher level of the astral plane, awaiting rebirth in a physical body.
“This recycling of the true essence of a person from one physical body to another and the doctrine of karma-the law of cause and effect-are essential for spiritual evolution, according to the Vedic system. It is through reincarnation that individuals can purify themselves in order to enter the highest plane and rejoin the Godhead.”
So where does the evil spirit possession or Hinduism come in? As per the paranormal expert in Chennai, India, important cycles of birth and death can be blocked if people are still obsessed with earthly desires. Especially if earthy desires keep them bound at the time of their deaths. In this case, they remain in and are trapped by the vibrations of the physical plane. Therefore, they reside in the lower astral level and are as close to the earth plane as possible. By staying there, they make futile attempts to satisfy their addictions and desires. While in this lowly state, these earthbound entities cannot make any spiritual progress. They cannot be released from their lower vehicles and rise to higher states. And this is where evil spirit possession comes in.
To Wrap it Up on Spirit Possession in Hinduism
According to Vedic theory and Hinduism, it is this ignorant or malicious discarnate soul that is the reason behind spirit possession. Such spirits seek living people to possess, in order to continue their earthly life. They are able to gain access because the astral body, visible to them in the person’s aura, has some defect through which they enter. After they have incorporated, they exert their control, which is always of a negative nature. This is why evil spirit possession happens.
Some of the tenets of the ancient Vedic tradition and spirit possession in Hinduism resurfaced in the West during the nineteenth century. The reasons behind this were in two movements, Theosophy and Spiritualism. Although they held many conflicting beliefs, both of these viewpoints strongly held to the belief in the continuation of the individual personality after death. Since our search has to do with possession by earthbound spirits, of particular interest is the influence of these two movements on healers in various parts of the world. In essence, this is what Hinduism and the Vedas talk about when it comes to possession.