Death is mysterious. Everyone fears it in spite of death being the most common phenomena. Death is a certainty, but we always have significantly less information on what happens after death.
Yogavasistha wrote about death and after from his own experience through the intuitive eye of wisdom.
In the west, the paranormal society and the psychical research society study death and the after path. However, evidence collected has proved that death is only the end of a personality or body, but life prevails. And that is precisely the eastern view of death, afterlife and paranormal for ages.
Modern thought and tendency are to speculate and connect with the spirit realm through mediums, Ouija boards, planchette writings, invoking spirits, etc. The western school studies the phenomena through the spirit world.
The eastern view, however, follows the Advaita philosophy of death, rebirth and transmigration of souls.
There are cases of spirits who give messages through their astral body. The concept of angels, too, is believed quite strongly in the Christian world.
According to eastern views the disembodied spirits, based on their attachments to the world, stay earthbound after death. They look forward to prayers and rituals for a smooth passageway to the astral realm. Kirtan and shraadh ceremonies help such souls traverse.
The characters of the spirits are questionable.
The characters of the spirits are questionable. As much as mediums use and look for advice from the spirits, this may not be reliable. Besides, it’s also not advisable to call on spirits as it hinders their onward journey. These spirits are earthbound and not angels.
It is prudent to understand that we are responsible for our karmic destiny. Thoughts, words, actions that are utilized in all situations mould our character and personality.
According to eastern views, righteous living as per the Sanatana dharma of the Hindu tenets will pave the way towards self-realization. The purpose of life should be to put an end to the cycle of birth and death through meditation and sadhana. Acquiring knowledge of the infinite atman and attaining moksha should be the goal of all born on this earth plane.
However, Krishna in the Gita says –
Knowledge of the Absolute
manusyanam sahasresu
kascid yatati siddhaye
yatatam api siddhanam
kascin mam vetti tattvatah
Out of many thousands who endeavour for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth.