People often think that there are no real cases of possession. But as a paranormal investigator in Chennai, India, I have come across many real cases of possession and one such case which I can never forget is that of my client – Sara Ajmani.
Real Cases of Possession: The Sara Ajmani Story
“I have been constantly struggling with my weight for the last twelve years. After I got my uterus removed in an operation, it has been really hard to maintain my weight. I have tried all sorts of diet plans, exercise, and yoga, but nothing seems to work. I don’t want to try doing things pointlessly now!” Sara had come to meet me as the last resort for her woes.
Even I thought that she had tried all the measures one can practically do. At first, she tried losing weight by doing exercise and it took her more than a year to lose five kgs. After that, she went to a physician who gave her a diet regimen and also suggested some fat burners to help her lose weight. She ended up gaining weight let alone losing it. Then she went to a nutrition specialist who suggested her to consume a high protein and a low carb diet. She was also told to consume carbs at a rate of 500 calories per day. With this, she was able to successfully lose twelve kgs.
This was followed by a week in which she again lost control and consumed copious amounts of junk food and sweets. She did not go to the nutritionist as she was ashamed of herself. Nothing seemed to help her. Even after hitting the gym again and following a strict regimen, she was unable to lose any weight. She did not make an appointment with me until she had no other option. Her depression was fueled by her obesity and she could not find any way to get out of it. But in the end, she was able to make the first move and come to me for help.
Weight and Therapy
Most of the overweight clients who come to me, come at the height of their obesity and Sara was no exception. But if there are real cases of possession or not, can only be determined after proper examination by a paranormal investigator in Chennai, India. She knew that therapy would require self-evaluation so she was aware that things might get a bit intense at the therapy. Sara was a very intelligent and ambitious woman in her mid 40’s. I asked her if she was employed somewhere.
She smiled and said that I’ve been married for more than twenty years now and I know some things. She also said that she had two teenage children. It was pretty evident to me that she was a sensitive person at heart and was very caring towards her family as well. It is important for a paranormal investigator in Chennai, India, to know about these details. She then stated that she remembers living in a temple near Goa. I did not know at that point if it was true but, it was evident that she was on a spiritual path. So are the real cases of possession related to spirituality?
The Point Where She Encountered Real Possession
When she was a child she suffered from bronchitis. She was hospitalized for two weeks and was not expected to come out of it alive. The doctors told her mother that it is a very critical situation and nothing can be said of her condition at this point. She remembered this sentence of the doctor. She was very critical and knew that she will not be able to make it through. After she somehow survived her illness, she was really skinny. Her brother was also of no help and made fun of her physical form. Her parents tried all the tricks to make her become normal. She was not able to eat a full meal. It looked hopeless. She then expressed “ I have had a weight problem since my first hospitalization due to bronchitis.”
I had a feeling that she has had several opportunities to get possessed. Therefore, as a paranormal investigator in Chennai, India, I knew that this may be one of the real cases of possession. I told her what I felt and she was also open to the idea. She told me about her medical history that included hospitalizations for bronchitis, uterus removal, and also gall bladder surgery.
She then continued, “ I sometimes feel several entities around me. This usually happens at the night. There is a constant feeling of something being on my left side. I sometimes think if it was the kid who used to live in our home before we moved in. He was killed in a car accident on the road adjacent to our house. His parents sold the house after his demise. There a room in my house in which I have always felt a bit out of place. I assume that it was his room. I can feel him when I am in that room.
Real Cases of Possession: Sara’s First Few Sessions
When I am conducting therapy, a digital recording of the same provides me with pieces of evidence that help me diagnose a patient. While talking to her, I noticed that her face become more relaxed as we were ending our talk. I assumed that maybe one spirit has left her. In our following sessions, she was able to let go of many spirits. I addressed all her issues and problems and the spirits just left. To be honest, even I was amazed at how one person could be possessed so many times and by so many spirits.
Some did not realize that their physical form is no more while the others were on the lookout for their dear ones. There were times when I had to show them the mirror to make them aware that they were not in their own bodies. It was also really important to take Sara back to the time when the entity possessed her. As a paranormal investigator and psychotherapist, I know how much it matters in real cases of possession. This was done for the purpose of knowing more about the spirits and why did they possess her in the first place. They were erratic and unpredictable.
Some of them even cried while some were too stubborn as is the scene in real cases of possession. There were times when it was really intense and a whole lot of resistance was on offer by the spirits. Sara was about to give up many times during the course of the therapy but then she immediately came back strong.
Sara Was Feeling Positive After the Initial Sessions
With every passing week, she saw changes in her eating habits. In real cases of possession, often when the spirit leaves, the person has mixed feelings. Similarly, Sara told me that she felt positive and had more energy to do something. Her body weight began to spiral downwards without even exercising or following a regime. However, all was not that smooth or easy. Sometimes she felt really weak and had the urge to just sleep all day. She also had some sort of pain in her body. Her fears had also come to light. Sara felt as if there were still entities around her and some even left when she put on the tape at her home.
She then told me, “ I have been having mixed feelings lately. Sometimes I feel like crying a lot. People around me have helped me go through it as I am unable to handle things when I am feeling like that.” There was this one spirit who just did not want to leave. Often as a paranormal investigator in Chennai, India, I have encountered such spirits in real cases of possession. We thought that he had left but he did not. He needed help.
Finally, he left after I helped him make a connection with his loved one. His departure was for good and Sara was free from another entity. Sara also played the tape in the room that she believed to be of the boy who had died in the road accident. It felt as if he was gone now as the room now felt light and there was a sense of positivity surrounding that room. But, she also sensed that her entire home was still not free from the spirits.
Real Cases of Possession: Sara’s Seventh Session
As she came for her seventh session, I could sense a feeling of dissatisfaction in her. She was not entirely at peace and was depressed. Her body language said the same to me. “ I am not happy. There are so many issues in my life. No one can help me. Sometimes, I don’t feel like getting up from the bed. It’s so bad that I literally have to pull myself from the bed to do my household chores. I don’t think that I’ll ever get fit. It’s all a waste.”
“ Do you have suicidal thoughts?” I asked.
“ Yes, many times. The feeling is very intense but I have never been this kind of person. Even Feelings are not your own in real cases of possession as per a paranormal investigator in Chennai, India. Been a fighter my entire life. Don’t know how this started and when will it end. I feel sick when I think about what has happened and where have I reached. I had to cancel my appointment with you as I got really sick. Its strange as I dont get sick like this and even when I do, I don’t feel like this. I am exhausted and I keep on sweating profusely. It’s because of the depression.”
When I put her under hypnosis, I got the signal that she was possessed by an entity who had clung on to her when she was about 20 years old. When I further inquired if it was a male or a female. I realized that it was the spirit of a homosexual who had died due to suicide.
The Suicide and Redemption
Often a person’s feelings at moments of sadness for the deceased leads to their spirits possessing them. This is probably one of the most prominent reasons behind real cases of possession. Sara further expressed that the woman had jumped from a bridge and she suddenly realised that the spirit was of a woman she knew. She was the daughter of one of her friends. Sara told me that she liked the girl as she was very obedient and a good child. I never understood why she was so sad. I even did believe that she had committed suicide when it happened. Just before she died, she wrote an email to one of her close friends stating that she was a homosexual.
I immediately asked her to tell me about when the spirit had was the reason behind this real case of possession. “ When I went to her home, I don’t know why I wanted to keep her picture with me. I even asked her mother to give me her picture.” She then took a deep breath and said, “ I cannot remember her name.” Suddenly I heard another voice said, “Anu.” Without wasting any time I asked more and told her that the person who loved her has come for her. To my surprise, the spirit left without any more effort on my part.
Some Mind-Boggling Conversations
Sara said, “ She was in me all this time.”
“When I looked in the mirror, I was looking at someone else. The feeling was very odd. There was no tranquillity and I was always snappy. I was scared of heights and was terrified every time my car crossed a bridge. I did not feel fearful of bridges before she got hold of me. Now it is clear. I get it now.”
She was quiet for some time and then she said,” they are still here, Anu and her grandmother. Both of them are watching us and listening to us.”
I asked her to talk to Anu and tell her to go to the other side. She said,“ I feel like I let you in, Anu. Because I knew that you must have been hurting from inside. I felt really bad when I took the step of committing suicide. I remember that day quite vividly.” Sara continued to talk to the spirit behind her real possession and she left in the end.
“ Was unaware of who I was. I stated feeling like this after her sad demise. Her presence has certainly taken a toll on me. With her gone, I feel like someone had taken a bad of bricks off my shoulders. I feel light and free. The stress is pretty much gone and I feel like the real me.”
Sara further said, “ I feel as if there is another person here. I think the person was here with Anu. Its a woman and she is fat. She is really heavy and her chin is huge. She has black hair. Renu is her name. She is a friend of Anu from school. She was in love with Anu. Wait, Ok. I get it now. Renu committed suicide because she was unable to get love from Anu as she liked. She possessed Anu.”
Wait, so Renu possessed Anu before her death. Then who committed suicide, Anu or Renu? It may be that Renu could not deal with Anu’s homosexuality which made her take her life. Or was it because of the spirit? All these theories were going around my mind as I asked Sara what Renu was feeling.
“ She is really angry”
An Angry Spirit Causing Real Possession
I then thought that I should talk to the spirit as my aim was to make her realise her demise and then do the necessary ground work for depossession. “ How did you die?” “Did you kill yourself?” She replied, “ I took some pills. I feel sick. There is a lot of pain in my stomach. Anu also swallowed the pills before she jumped from the bridge. I did not want her to die and I could not do anything as I was confused. So, I could not even talk to her. I was just around her when she took her life. We have been together for so long.”
I then asked her to look for her loved ones as they would help her to walk into the light. The white light always helps in real cases of possession. Therefore, not only I use it, I suggest it too. “There is no one here. Anu was my only friend.” I realised that continuing on this path would be a futile pursuit hence I stopped. What I had was the information that she was fat. I thought that she would leave if she realised that she could also have a slim physique. So, I asked her if she wanted a fit physique.
“ What, that’s not possible.” I saw the colour of the face change as there was a smile beneath her. I further explained to her about the light and when she enters the light, she will get the physique she always wanted. Sometimes you need to play such tricks in real cases of possession. She could have it without dieting. “ It is really funny. How will entering the light change my body? How can you be sure?” I then told her that a teacher has come who will help her understand. Also, I suggested that when she goes into the light she find Anu and they can be there.
She Walks Towards the Light
She paused and then said, “ Now I am walking in the direction of the light. It is getting bigger with every step that I take. The light is warm and bright. It is really difficult for me to keep my eyes open. The glare, it’s so intense. It is hot but it feels like a warm blanket over me. You know, like the winter sun. It is very relaxing. My body has become light. I can’t even feel if there is a body indeed. It’s very different. I have never felt this way. I feel like stepping into cold water but it’s just so mesmerizing. It begins here. Now I can not go any further deep.”
“ I want to say something. All my fears have now gone. It’s nothing that one should be scared of. It won’t be nice if I use her body any longer. It’s not good for her, they say. One should only do this for a shorter span of time. Sara can not feel anything, she is not in control. What you have done for her is really good.” I thought that it is now high time that I bring Sara back to her body. “Sara come back to your body. Tell me when you are ready and also how it felt channelling Renu?”
(Long pause) “ I was unable to feel anything. I am just starting to come back to my senses. It feels like I can speak but my body is somewhere else. It feels like a radio that tuned up to a frequency and now the frequency is different. If I stayed for long, I would not have been able to come back. It was good. Not a sour experience by any lengths. I was different. When I entered back, I felt my head then brain. After that, it reached my shoulders and arms. As I am talking to you, I feel my legs now. But I still feel a bit on the lighter side.”
Then I told her about grounding and asked her to get in the centre and concentrate to feel better. Paranormal investigator in Chennai, India, often suggests it. I asked her how she felt. “ I feel good.” She then looked at her feet and moved them as if they were not functioning for a long time. “We are not that far from the light. I think that it just a state of our mind.” She moved her head in an accepting manner.
“ I feel different”
In real cases of possession, this is often the case. She said, “ I feel like I have been swimming in water with rocks on my legs. I don’t know why but I did not drown. It might be because I always backed myself up. Another side of me always knew that I was not drowning indeed. Now, feel that my weights are off and I am more aware of things that are happening around me. I know better about the environment. There is one task though, I need to learn to walk again.
I have not felt like myself for along time. I have missed out on a lot in my life. The constant holding on and fighting within myself was just too much. It took a lot from me.”
Who was in control?
“ Who was in control?”
“ I think it was Renu. Her black hair and obese body. Then there was Anu as well and before that, there was someone else, and before that someone else. It has happened because of my fault. I felt what I felt because I allowed myself to get changed by so many people and their views. So, I want to take control now. I am done with this.” “ But how do I know what’s real? That I am not making up a story? I hope it is not a fragment of my imagination? It’s so spectacular and real when it happens.”
“ I feel like a lone warrior. Even though, I am happy that the worst is over. I am walking along a path that I chose. My aim in life is to just help people. No one is coming to help me so I am helping everyone because I understand their pain and suffering. I am unable to understand what it all meant. And I don’t want to even try to understand it. I find it really hard to put my feelings into words as they nowhere seem to do justice with what I feel.”
Before I ended the session, I told her that there is only one person who knew if all of this was real or not, and it’s you, yourself. I even expressed that she would know if it was a dream or reality when she was ready. When she was out of the trance, I asked her about the feeling of having two spirits inside her.“ Renu was stronger than Anu. When her name came into my mind was the time when she took control of my body.
Real Cases of Possession
The session was very productive and filled with ups and downs. As a paranormal investigator in Chennai, India, I knew this was normal. Both of us were able to learn a lot from each other. It was a wonderful learning curve for me as well. It was a very singular case for me as there were endless twists and turns in it. A spirit who was herself under possession while she was alive as a human. This is extremely rare and does not happen every day.
Another very interesting thing was the description by Renu about the bright light. Often in real cases of possession, this is quite different. As a paranormal investigator in Chennai, India, I have had many pass through the white light. This was the first time that I had seen a spirit talk about passing on and more importantly the white light. However, there have been instances where hypnotized patients have conveyed their regression through their death. Their experiences after death and the journey to the light have also been formerly analyzed. But, this was rare because it was a case of dual possession.
Real Cases of Possession: Sara’s Eighth Session
Sara sat in the chair and she told me that she indeed was feeling really good all week. There were no shreds of evidence that suggested that she had depression or suicidal tendencies. Although, she did feel alone as she had lost some of her very close friends. She then told me that she felt as if someone was forcing her to eat. I said that Renu was not the reason behind her eating habits or weight issues. She did play her part but since you are still binging on food, I think that there is someone else who is behind all this.
I started with the hypnosis and started asking questions to her subconscious mind by using finger signals. I found evidence suggesting that there was still one spirit with her and another was trying to hide. Then I asked Sara when did this entity come to her. She replied, “ she came when I was in the hospital.” After some time it was clear that the spirit was a confused spirit that had entered her body while she was in her hospital ward. However, the spirit left after I told her that her loved ones are waiting for her.
Sara simultaneously said, “ Reena is here. She got sick and died because of breast cancer several years ago. Also, she seems angry that I married my husband as she was in love with him. She feels like stole him from her. I don’t think that she wants to leave.”
There Was One More Spirit
Often in real cases of possession, the subject is under the possession of more than one spirit. As a paranormal investigator in Chennai, India, I knew it was true this time. It was very difficult for me to make her leave as Reena was a strong and angry spirit. She felt that it was unfair that she has died and now someone else has come into the life of the person she loved. The spirit of Reena was hell-bent on making life hell for Sara and her husband. She further expressed that if she stays in Sara’s body, she will slowly die. Life has been unfair to her as she was a person who never wanted bad for anyone. She too loved doing things, having fun, and meeting new people. Now it is all gone and there is nothing left of her.
Also, she did not want to let go because she had a strong attachment with Sara’s husband and was unable to pass on. She did not trust anything I said until she saw her grandmother. I saw an instant smile run through her lips as wind runs through a field full of grass. She became happy and told me that she was ready to leave. Sara: “ she is ready to leave now. I can see her, with her grandmother and there are others as well. I think it’s her family. The vibrations are strong and mellow at the same time. All of them are around her and they are about to leave. They have left.”
To Wrap it Up
After a pause of thirty seconds, I asked Sara if Reena had left. She replied by lifting up her finger. Then I called upon the divine spirits to heal and fortify her aura against any such further violations. She told me that she felt great and there was no heaviness in her head or body. I have to say that even I felt relieved that Sara was finally free from the shackles of the entities that had been disturbing her. Sara was weary after the session and she left after it.
This was the story of another different yet memorable session with one of my clients that yielded a positive result.
My advice to you
Please remember that any physical or emotional discomforts a person experiences can mostly be due to various diseases or emotional conditions he or she is going through. I have seen that majority of cases do not involve paranormal activities or possessions of any kind. Paranormal events are extremely rare occurrences. Hence your problems should be first brought to the notice of a qualified medical practitioner. I have often seen that the line between borderline personality disorders or other psychiatric disorders and “spirit possession” is thin. So, if you have a problem your physician is your first go-to solution. Now, If you are a paranormal investigator you should advise your clients that professional medical care is the first solution or remedy for any physical or emotional discomfort.
Remember, you need to be a sceptic first to develop into a paranormal investigator. You need to rule out every single scientific possibility that is known to mankind to identify anything that is paranormal. Hence travel through the path of modern science, explore and unravel all facts using data and what cannot be explained through science is what we need to explore more through the paranormal arena. Most of your clients may feel desperate due to whatever they are going through. It’s your duty to act responsibly. Guide them through the path of modern science. Refrain from being a doctor or healer. There are qualified medical practitioners out there who can do their job well. Avoid any forms of advice on religious or cultural rituals or for that matter any ritualistic practices.