When it comes to possession, this is probably one of my favourite cases of ghost spirit possession. Be warned that this one was one of my most tiring cases because of the number of sessions it took. The case fully demonstrates the intriguing interplay of the possessing spirits’ personalities and problems with those of the possessed clients. The case study of Prateek will show how a psychotherapist and paranormal investigator deals with ghost spirit possession due to addiction. In addition, the case of Prateek is particularly interesting because of the sheer number, persistence and variety of spirits that made him his temporary home.
Ghost Spirit Possession of Prateek
Prateek, looking for some psychological counselling, landed in my office after a friend referred me. It was long back in November 2012. I still remember that day. It is crystal clear. You will know the reasons why. Prateek was exploring past life as a means of tackling his personal problems. A tall and muscular man in his mid-thirties, Prateek struck me as someone who was suffering from dejection, fear and guilt. The moment I saw him, I felt as if he was trapped and his soul was not floating freely. Trust me, it was a weird feeling. His eyes studiously avoided mine and shifted quickly about the office.
It was a curious case of ghost or spirit possession, that of Prateek. In the first few sessions, it had become clear that this guy was in some deep trouble, the enormity of which he didn’t realize. A computer analyst, he had moved quickly up the ladder into a staff position to a vice president. Despite his accelerating success, his emotional and personality problems were undermining his self-confidence and threatening his career. He was especially anxious and scared in groups. Since he was required to give regular briefings to top executives of his own and other companies, this was a big problem for him.
The situation was so bad that Prateek often has anxiety attacks before any of the meetings that he had to present. In one such instance, he had to pull off the highway because he could not get his anxiety in control and he was fearing that he will pass out. These attacks manifested the full range of physical symptoms, from palpitations and sweats to nausea and dizziness.
A Complete Contrast
Prateek spoke of many times when he had juggled his schedule to avoid the dreaded briefings. All this while, he knew that he was depriving himself of opportunities for advancement. Not only that, but he was failing in his responsibilities to his employers. However, there is another side to the coin as well. At other times, Prateek functioned brilliantly in important meetings, speaking and behaving with complete self-confidence. This was a complete contrast, the answer to which even he didn’t have.
The next problem that Prateek had, he was unable to concentrate. In addition, he also had problems remembering things. He claimed that his memory was reduced by fifty per cent. He frequently lost his train of thought in conversations. Also, he was unable to keep his mind on work or reading for more than five minutes at a time. To make matters worse, on many evenings he was unable to recall whole segments of his day; hours at a time would be a complete blank. Because of increasing fears of failure, Prateek had begun to procrastinate in his work, and he was convinced that if he kept going on as he was, he would end up insane.
The Stress Affected His Personal Life
Because of all the things combined, his personal life was going downhill. He was unable to get along with women. At such an age, he was married thrice and even his third marriage was failing rapidly. Although his third wife was physically beautiful, he was not attracted to her. Prateek described this as if someone was trying to stop him. This actually made him terrified for reason that he was a repressed homosexual. At the same time, he was fanatically jealous of Betty and resented the interest that men took in her when they were at parties. This dilemma often resulted in confrontations that got ugly quickly. A point to mention is that his wife was not wrong at any point and he was aware of this. Therefore, after the fights, he often felt guilty and remorseful.
As the sessions progressed, Prateek got more comfortable with me. It was then that he admitted that he was worried because of his drinking habits. As a paranormal explorer, I thought that maybe this is the cause of his ghost spirit possession. For as long as he could remember, drinking had been a major problem for him. That too heavy drinking. He drank almost every day and viewed drinking as the one real relief he had from his fears and anxieties. When drinking, his ordinarily pleasant disposition turned sour. He would become extremely sarcastic and frequently started barroom brawls.
Was the Drinking Problem the Reason Behind Ghost Spirit Possession?
Normally paranormal experts are quick to judge such situations. But as a psychotherapist first, I would like to ascertain that it is important to understand your client thoroughly. Because of what I know about addiction and possession, I was getting an idea of what may have gone so wrong for Prateek. Also, I had carefully noted the odd duality that ran through most of the problem experiences of his life. He loved his wife, yet he was not attracted to her and treated her badly. Although he was compassionate and loving, yet he had a terrible temper and occasionally took out his wrath on innocent pets, playmates, friends, and lovers. He was highly competent in his work, yet he felt dull-witted and unworthy.
Was all this pointing towards ghost spirit possession due to an addictive entity? As a child, Prateek had his fair share of psychic experiences. One such instance was when he saw a dog attack related to someone he knew. This happened a few years later with his aunt. Years later he had a premonition of the suicide of a favourite cousin. That, too, unfortunately, came true. In fact, in one of the sessions, Prateek himself put forward the feeling as if there were two people inside of him. One was malevolent and the other was benign. One thing that particularly struck me was that every time that he was succeeding or doing good in something, he would somehow end up hurting himself.
Ghost Spirit Possession of Prateek – Session 3
It was in our third session I advised therapy to Prateek and he was very receptive. Although alarmed at first, Prateek hesitantly agreed to it. I discussed with him the signs and symptoms. The first question I asked was if the spirits had been with him since childhood, to which he signalled “yes.” I could further make out that at least three spirits were possessing him at the time. I then asked him to let me speak with the remaining entities and took my usual approach.
“Why are you imposing yourself upon this man’s life. Why are you causing him problems, when you know that you have gone through the change called ‘death’ and should be progressing in your own spiritual lives?” As an answer to my questions, I got two replies – “I’m frightened,” and “So what?” I was alarmed since it was going to be a rough ride for us. So, I completed the therapy and when I asked Prateek how he was feeling, he said he was relatively calm. “I feel relaxed and refreshed.” Although, he made a comment that he had a distinct feeling that one of the entities was pretty strong. However, the session ended on an optimistic note.
Ghost Spirit Possession of Prateek – Session 4
A week later, Prateek came for his fourth session. Although his anxiety was still troubling him, he claimed that he was feeling comparatively better. He also made an observation that his relationship with his wife seemed to have improved somewhat. So I then told him that we will continue from where we left off which seemed to disappoint him somewhat. And voila, I was successful in making contact with one of the spirit who went by the name – Samdish Kochar. “I hate him and I’m going to make him pay for what he’s done to me.” To which, I replied that by doing this the spirit was hurting himself as well.
I asked the spirit Samdish to go back in time, through various instances to understand the cause of possession. It was in a hospital and he was angry. Apparently, he had married a younger woman who had borne him a child. But she had run away with the baby. He had carried the pain of that experience through the rest of his life and felt particularly bitter toward babies. So, I then directed him to go to the point where his soul left his body. Samdish’s spirit was traversing along the corridors of the hospital when he saw a newborn baby.
“I know that I can make the baby pay for leaving me. So, I join the baby. I have been with him ever since,” Samdish added. At this point, I was certain that the spirit was the reason behind Prateek’s sudden outbursts. I then was successful in helping Samdish reach where he should have about thirty-five years ago. I called upon friendly spirits to help guide him. Soon Samdish saw his sister and departed with her.
The Second Spirit
The second ghost or spirit responsible for possession was a different case altogether. He was not only unclear but also lost. The only thing the paranormal entity talked about was drinking. I was able to learn that he had been a heavy equipment operator in his past life. And, that he had a heavy and quite obvious fondness for the bottle. He had apparently been with Prateek since his early childhood. The last thing he was able to remember in his life was using a Caterpillar tractor on a construction site. So, I tried to help him to and it took me a lot of effort and persuasion to make him depart to his heavenly abode.
Ghost Spirit Possession of Prateek – Session 5
In the next session when I met Prateek, he seemed a bit worried. So without any further ado, we got into our therapy. To my disappointment, the Caterpillar operator had re-surfaced. I asked him, what his name was to which he replied, “Babar.” As a paranormal expert in Chennai, India, I asked why he is not leaving. Babar replied that it was only because Prateek helped him drink. To which I replied that he had already passed on and therefore, he needs to leave Prateek. I explained the situation to him since he was obviously confused and thought he was still alive in his own body. Again, I brought him to the moment of his death in his last life. Finally, he saw his wife, who guided him out for good.
I felt hopeful that we may have gotten to the root of Prateek’s problems of ghost spirit possession and I told him so. However, Prateek said that he felt as if something inside of him seemed to laugh. I couldn’t tell if it was just my imagination or what. But it seemed to say, ‘I’ve fooled you again, you still haven’t found out I’m here.’ “Prateek left wondering whether he was ever going to get any help from this approach. As he left, I found myself wondering if he would stick with the treatment long enough.
Ghost Spirit Possession of Prateek – Session 6
Like I told you, we had to meet for a lot of sessions. So, at our next session, he smiled as he told me how much better he had felt that week-especially because he had had virtually no desire to drink. Frowning, he said that his lack of sexual desire for his wife was putting a real strain on his marriage. So without any further delay, we got on with the session. At first, when I asked if there were any spirits present, his finger signal indicated a “no.” But when I asked if any were “hiding,” a “yes” answer came.
Prateek stated, “She’s blond, pretty, but shy and quiet. Also, she’s very lonely. She doesn’t know why she is so unhappy; she thought she would like it with me, but she doesn’t like having sex with my wife. Yes, she hates that!” After a lot of explaining, I was able to talk to the ghost spirit possessing Prateek. Her name was Sarah. I was able to discover that this entity had met Prateek at a party five years earlier, not long before he met his current wife. Because of the dominant and aggressive nature of Prateek, she was instantly attracted to him. She remembered seeing him enter the party with a girl on each arm. Later she forced herself to walk up to him and introduce herself and they spent a half-hour talk.
The Third Spirit
Now, you must be wondering, how did this person possess Prateek? Well, it so happened that on the way home from the party, she died in a car crash. I carefully explained to Sarah that by staying with Prateek she was greatly retarding her own progress and doing him immense harm. Before I could persuade her further, Prateek stated that she won’t leave and she will not listen to me. I tried to communicate with her for several more minutes but to no avail.
Prateek was amazed that such a brief encounter could have led to her possessing him. Now the problem was how to get the spirit to leave him be. Over the next few weeks, our sessions were not particularly noteworthy. We attempted to bring forth entities on several occasions with no success. However, his relations with his wife had improved. Also, he continued to have no desire for alcohol.
During these sessions, he elaborated on his inner feelings of worthlessness, guilt and insecurity. But generally, things seemed to be going so well for him. So, I was beginning to believe that he was no longer harbouring spirits. Perhaps they had left spontaneously left on their own. Feeling his remaining problems could be helped with the ordinary tools of psychotherapy, I began to explore with him his early relationships with his father and mother.
Many Sessions Later in a Cold and Grey December…
I remember that December that year was very cold. It felt as if the earth had been starved of its life. Symbolically, it was in that December that we made a big breakthrough. In one of the sessions, Prateek’s voice suddenly changed and I immediately recognized that it was Sarah I was speaking to. I asked her, “Why have you stayed with him for so long when you know you are only hurting him and yourself. You’ve had many chances to go in these past couple of months.” “They would not like me. I’ve done some very evil things. If I went there, I would have to change,” she replied.
It was then I realized that it was a case of one of those spirits who does not want to leave because of the things they have done in the past. They are afraid of judgement. They are afraid that they will be punished. Sarah told me that in her past life she was into black magic and therefore she has hurt a lot of people. When I discussed this with Prateek, he revealed, that as a teenager he had been intrigued with the occult and had read several books on satanic rituals. On several occasions, the figurine had bothered him emotionally, but he had been unable to bring himself to throw it away.
Was the Solution to the Mystery in His Past Life?
In our next session, we were able to determine that Prateek was a Satanic worshipper in his past life. Now, I knew that this is why Sarah was attracted to him. Over the next few weeks, Prateek’s self-esteem continued to improve. He felt renewed confidence in himself and found that he was able to meet and work with people in his job with very little anxiety. His relationship with his wife was improving and his memory was far better. During our sessions, we continued to use therapy as a check for the possible presence of entities.
To Wrap Up the Ghost Spirit Possession of Prateek
Prateek’s intricate case demonstrates the complexities of the relationship between a living human being and earthbound spirits. His own past life as someone who dabbled with darker aspects of ritualistic worships had created deep-seated guilt, which made him susceptible to possession. Each succeeding parasitic entity simply weakened him more, increasing his vulnerability. The fact that at the age of five he was joined by the spirit of the alcoholic only made the situation worse, because later-through his drinking Prateek continually opened his aura to more possessions.
He was prey to greatly troubled spirits. He became consumed with bitterness, fear, and self-hatred. As he grew more possessed and troubled, he was less able to cope with life-professionally and personally. In the end, the possessing spirits were able to act out their personalities and drives directly through his behaviour, while his own personality became increasingly overwhelmed and pushed to the side.
The road back to spiritual and psychological health for Prateek was difficult and trying. It started with the dislodging of a single spirit. With each successive therapy session, his own spirit grew stronger and more defined. His regression to life as a worshipper of the dark forces, helped him to release his deep-seated self-hatred and subconscious condition for possession. With the final freedom from all possessing spirits, Prateek was truly his own person and had made great steps along his spiritual path.
My advice to you
Please remember that any physical or emotional discomforts a person experiences can mostly be due to various diseases or emotional conditions he or she is going through. I have seen that majority of cases do not involve paranormal activity of any kind. Paranormal events are extremely rare occurrences. Hence your problems should be first brought to the notice of a qualified medical practitioner. I have often seen that the line between borderline personality disorders or other psychiatric disorders and “spirit possession” is thin. Hence a good paranormal investigator should advise his clients that professional medical care is the first solution or remedy for any physical or emotional discomfort.
Remember, you need to be a sceptic first to develop into a paranormal investigator. You need to rule out every single scientific possibility that is known to mankind to identify anything that is paranormal. Hence travel through the path of modern science, explore and unravel all facts using data and what cannot be explained through science is what we need to explore more through the paranormal arena. Most of your clients may feel desperate due to whatever they are going through. It’s your duty to act responsibly. Guide them through the path of modern science. Refrain from being a doctor or healer. There are qualified medical practitioners out there who can do their job well. Avoid any forms of advice on religious or cultural rituals or for that matter any ritualistic practices.